Poplar grove Wholesale Nursery

Proudly SA grown quality

Elite Series

Mandevilla Agathe Series

Agathe Scarlet and Agathe White.
HABIT: The agathe series of Mandevillas are climbing varieties. They will climb up a post or lattice work if they have a bit of support or wire to cling to.
POSITION: They prefer to be planted and flower best in full sun, however part shade is ok. They are best protected from frost, they but will handle a warm spot in the garden or in a pot on a patio.
FLOWERING: They will flower most all year with main flushes in summer and autumn. The large tubular bell flowers have a lush tropical feel to them and can soften a patio area.
USES: Plant them wherever you need some colour over the warm months. They make a wonderful addition to patio pots and look stunning when planted to climb up a patio pole.
CARE: You can trim them to shape in early spring and pull of dead flowers if required. They will flower best with consistent watering and applications of fertiliser. They do not mind a warm area in the garden but need to be well mulched and protected from any frost.

Agathe Scarlet
Agathe White  

Mandevillea Agathe Scarlet
Agathe Scarlet

Poplar Grove
©Poplar Grove Wholesale Nursery 2023

Telephone - 08 8557 4109 Facsimile - 08 8556 3201 Mobile - Jason 0408 855 238
